Vote on May 9, 2023
"I know we have in our community the aptitude, creativity, compassion, and tenacity to work through challenging issues in a way that includes diverse points of view with common goals. I’m truly excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and private sector experience to the place I live and love. I invite you to join me."
Create a Citizen Cabinet to Build Civic Engagement
Maintaining our democracy begins at the local level by promoting engagement with Dennis residents and businesses. Said simply, our town benefits when people participate. As a member of the Select Board, I would encourage further transparency and proactive outreach by hosting “Citizen Cabinets” – regular “office hours” at locations in each village where residents could hear about upcoming Select Board meeting topics, share ideas, and find common goals.
Support for Small Businesses
Business is the antidote to poverty and small businesses are our local economy. With many businesses relying on seasonal success, we must continue to provide high quality municipal services, clean and safe beaches, and other town amenities to ensure visitors and summer residents have a welcoming, enjoyable experience in Dennis.
Housing Stock Diversity
More variety in our housing stock is needed, so that workers, caregivers, and families of all sizes and ages can afford a roof over their heads. During my tenure as chair of the town’s Zoning Bylaw Study Committee, our committee spearheaded the successful passage of an Accessory Dwelling Unit bylaw. I also support hotel/motel conversions and adding housing to underutilized commercial space.
Climate and Caring for Our Natural Environment
Caring and repair of our natural environment – which includes protecting our water supply and improving pond health and other natural ecosystems – is a high priority. We also need to encourage reductions in GHG emissions and continue to build resiliency in the face of climate changes. As a Select Board member, I would strongly advocate and encourage town employees to continue to apply for state and federal programs that financially support efforts to address these issues.